We use Link Whisper to help TPT sellers quickly create internal links on their TPT blogs.

Link Whisper is a premium plugin that requires a paid license per site.


If you have a Grande plan with us, you already have link whisper!

  • One site license for Link Whisper is included in the Grande (or higher) web hosting plan
  • If you are using WordPress multi-site, you’ll need to get an additional Link Whisper license for each site.
  • You can buy a license directly from Link Whisper.
  • Here is an affiliate link. If you use this link, you get a $10 discount and SEOT hosting gets a commission: Link Whisper
  • If you’re with SEOT Hosting, you can save money by getting our Premium Analytics Plugin Pack for extra site (which includes a premium license for AIO SEO, Monster Insights, and Link Whisper) for $10 per month (or $100 per year.)

Why I like using link whisper on my client websites.

  1. It makes it easier to create backlinks from other pages on your site to help with on-page Google SEO. (Links on your site help humans and search engines figure out what’s important and where to go.)
  2. I like link whisper better than the link tool in All In One SEO (which seems pretty limited)
  3. Link Whisper can connect with Google Search Console to import keywords that people are searching and clicking to get to your site.
  4. There are a lot of settings so you can control. For example, you can set it so that when you ask it to bulk add links into your posts, it can get those links to open up in a new tab. (So, if the person doesn’t like the destination page and closes it, they’re still on your site.)
  5. You can customize the words that it suggests to turn into links.
  6. It’s completely under your control. You manually click a button to add links (either pointing into the TPT blog post you’re writing or pointing out to other pages.)
  7. The plugin author is active. It gets updated pretty regularly which is nice.

Why I don’t like about link whisper (so I don’t always use it on my sites):

  1. It has a license cost per site. So if you have many websites on a single multi-site WordPress installation, the cost adds up. (This is pretty typical of most premium plugins. You just have to accept it’s a cost for that site – same as your domain name.)
  2. The links always point to the top of the destination page. So when a person click the link, it may not always be obvious why the link pointed there. If you manually enter links, you can set it up to go to a specific anchor location on the page.
  3. If you’re not really working on your TPT blog or generating new content, you’re not really creating new links.

Bottom line: Link whisper is “80% perfect (good enough)” for me to quickly create links.

Questions about Link Whisper and TPT Blogs

It says the Installed version of Link Whisper is for a 10 Site Subscription but the license is not active. Do I have link whisper turned on?

I have a grande plan on SEOT Hosting and I have multiple WordPress websites

Link Whisper is installed on my main site.

But when I go to my second site, it says I don’t have a license. But it says “The Installed version of Link Whisper is for a 10 Site Subscription. Does this mean I should be able to use it?

Answer: Unfortunately you need to purchase a separate license for Link Whisper per site (even if the installed version says it’s for a 10 site subscription)

The Link Whisper plugin is a little bit confusing because they chose to release different versions of the plugin depending on how many licenses you purchased.

(As opposed to having a single version of the premium plugin that would either work or not work depending on if you had a license.)

If we set up your TPT blog on a multisite WordPress installation, we would have installed Link Whisper on your WordPress droplet (server). Then we would activate Link Whisper on your main site using our agency license.

Because all of your websites share the same code on your multisite WordPress droplet (server), all of your websites have access to the premium plugin BUT the plugin won’t work unless you put in a valid license.

So, it’s misleading because you can activate the Link Whisper plugin on your second TPT blog, but that doesn’t mean it will work.

It will say “the installed version of Link Whisper is for a 10 Site Subscription” but you still need to put in a license key to use it.

SEOT Hosting is dedicated to meeting the needs of TPT blogs and TPT Sellers. So we bulk purchase licenses at the agency rate to help us reduce costs.

Although we’d love to provide everyone with unlimited licenses to premium WordPress plugins, we can’t afford it.

If you’re on an SEOT Hosting grande plan (or higher), you can get the “Premium Analytics Plugin Pack for Extra Site” add on which provides an extra license for the following premium plugins:

  • All In One SEO Elite
  • Monster Insights Premium
  • Link Whisper

Contact SEOT Hosting support if you’re interested. The Premium Analytics Plugin Pack currently costs $10 per month (or $100 per year) per additional site.

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