Find the perfect domain for your TPT business:

Build on your own land (your own domain) instead of someone else’s land

  • Domains are an annual fee. (If you set it on auto-renew and pay your domain registration fees, you control that domain address. If your don’t pay the registration fee and your domain expires, you will lose control of your land.)
  • There are no refunds on domains – make sure you spell your domain correctly. (This is an industry wide practice to prevent spam.)
  • WHOIS privacy is provided for free (unlike some domain sellers who charge extra for this service).

You can now purchase your TPT blog domain directly from us!

If your TPT Blog is on SEOT Hosting or the SEOTpreneur PRO network, we can help you set up your DNS records for free. That can be the tricky part.

Here’s how to contact SEOT hosting support.