
  • My TPT Blog has an invalid SSL certificate – what does that even mean?
    TPT blogs (like every website) use SSL certificates to enable an encrypted connection. It’s the difference between http and https – the “s” stands for “secure.” The secure connection means that it’s harder for people to eavesdrop on information being sent from your computer to the website because the data is encrypted. Sometimes, your TPT…
  • Can I install plugins on my TPT blog using SEOT Hosting?
    Plugins are like apps for our WordPress websites. They let us add features to our TPT blogs to optimize SEO and easily connect to other tools like Google Analytics or ConvertKit. On the other hand, plugins can also add bloat and extra code to your site, slowing it down. Can I use any plugin I…
  • How do I turn off the “Coming Soon” page
    When you first start your TPT blog or TPT business website, you might want to hide what you’re doing until you launch. We can do this by hiding our site with a “Coming Soon” or “Maintenance Mode” plugin. This means, when you log in, you can see the front of the site and work on…
  • How do I point my old TPT Blog on to a different website URL?
    Lots of TPT Sellers start their TPT blog using a free plan. That’s a good idea. You get to tinker around with WordPress for free to see what happens. (A better idea is to use the free WordPress site you get with an SEOTpreneur PRO membership.) What does your TPT blog website URL look…

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